Christmas Candy   

tags (edit):  Christmas @Web Desserts Cookies  


Grams Klish taught me how to make this candy when Than and I were first married. It was my first experience with a candy thermometer and I still think it is magical that sugar and water and corn syrup can turn into something so pretty!


2 cups Sugar
1 cup Water
3/4 cup Corn syrup
1/2 teaspoon Oil flavoring (cinnamon, mint, vanilla...)
Food coloring
1 pound Powdered sugar


(Make sure to read recipe and prepare pans ahead of time, so when the candy is ready you can work fast!)

Combine sugar, water, and corn syrup in saucepan. Boil to 310 (hard crack stage). Add oil flavoring and food coloring (be careful--it steams! Watch out especially for steam from the flavoring oils. The aroma can burn your nose, honest!)

Pour candy onto buttered platter. Let cool 2-3 minutes, or until a knift won't stick to it. Then pour the candy into a bed of powdered sugar. Pat the warm candy into about 1/4 inch thickness. Working quickly, cut into strips with scissors and then cut into small pieces. Candy becomes brittle as it cools. (Powdered sugar can be sifted to remove candy pieces and then used again).

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Yields: 50 Pieces

Grams Klish

Cuisine:   American

Main Ingredient:   Sugar

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